An ID TheftSmart Member's Story
"Kroll has helped me to the extreme!
I could not even imagine how I would have handled this situation alone."

M.J., Missouri
Identity Theft Restoration Member

“I was paid on Friday with a direct deposit from my employer. We were off on Monday for a holiday, and when Tuesday arrived, I called to check my balance knowing I had just gotten paid and made only three transactions over the Holiday weekend. I was shocked to learn that I had a negative balance of $375.”

“Well, as the next few days went by, 13 checks had attempted to clear my account — totaling over $3,500.00! I tried to handle the situation myself for the first few days. I had no idea how difficult this would be. I repeated stories to three police stations, the branch at the bank close to my home, the fraud department with the bank that has several areas: check fraud, debit fraud, credit card fraud ... you name it ... and all have 4-8 employees so you get a different person with every attempt to straighten this out. I didn’t get very far.”

“It was such a relief when I contacted Kroll and was assigned one licensed investigator for my whole case. That is one thing that immediately made me feel safer: One experienced investigator assigned to my case. He began to sort through the details of my identity theft and correct all of my problems for me.”

“During the investigation, my investigator determined that the person who stole my identity had duplicated my checking account. They were able to create check’s using my account number, my routing number, my name, my address and used something like Quick Books to create their own checks.”

“My investigating agent is wonderful!! He represented me to all the merchants and collections agencies on my behalf and began the process of correcting the mess for me. He quickly placed Fraud Alerts with the three national credit bureaus, notified the Social Security Administration and Post Office that I was a victim of identity theft, and ordered a credit report for me, also.”

“My investigator contacted 11 different retailers who had accepted counterfeit checks in my name and disputed all of the charges for me. When he discovered that most of the retailers had reported the bad checks to collections agencies, he immediately began working with those agencies to clear my name.”

“To my surprise, he also discovered that my credit was tampered with 1 full year ago, before this check fraud took place. The thieves applied for a house loan, a car loan, three cell phones, three credit cards, and a few more other things. If it were not for Kroll, I would not have known my credit was tampered with and I would have only dealt with the check issue. Thank you Kroll!”

“Kroll also began to monitor my credit. Less than 2 months later, they informed me that I had another problem — the thieves used my identity to apply for another credit card and ran up a $5,000.00 debt.”
“Again, my investigator immediately began to dispute this credit card charge for me.”

“I found it very interesting when my investigator informed me about two charges that had become difficult to correct. His response shows the actual POWER Kroll has and why they carry the reputation they do.”

“In one case, poor dispute procedures at one company was making it impossible to clear my name. As soon as my investigator realized this, he contacted the Association of Credit and Collections Professionals International and reported the company’s violations of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. I was impressed when the company quickly apologized and cleared me of any responsibility.”

“In the second case, one of the collection agencies refused to respond to the first two disputes my investigator had sent to them. To get the process moving, he contacted the Attorney General in my state and the state where the collection agency is located, and also notified the Association of Credit and Collections Professionals International. The collection agency quickly apologized for violating the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act and cleared me of responsibility.”

“Kroll has totally resolved the check fraud issue and is in the process of correcting the credit card issues for me. I could not imagine going thru this alone and uneducated.”

“Kroll has a wonderful service. Their experience, the legal authority they have to represent me, the way they keep me informed, guide and consult me, and their willingness to work so hard for me is so important when going through such a horrible crime. Thank you so much!!”

  An identity thief opened two credit card accounts and a retail credit account using G.S.’s identity and a fraudulent address in another state. Kroll resolved his credit issues and had the fraudulent address removed from his credit file.  
  "Thank you very much for your support and assistance through all of these personal hassles. It is so upsetting to find out my identity has been robbed and violated. I feel so much better knowing Kroll has become my advocate and is clearing up my problems."  
  G.S., California  
  An identity thief opened multiple fraudulent accounts in V.R.’s name. Kroll has corrected the issues and has performed follow-up to make sure there are no additional problems.  
  "After speaking with my Kroll investigator, I immediately felt reassured that everything was going to be O.K. His expertise and advice is tremendous."  
  V.R., California  
  After R.Q.’s personal information was stolen from his employer’s database, identity thieves opened multiple credit accounts using his identity. Several accounts were turned over to collections agencies, who began to contact R.Q. and demand payment. Kroll successfully disputed the accounts with the creditors and collection agencies and the fraudulent information was removed from R.Q's credit file.  
  "Thank you for clearing my name and stopping the collections agencies from calling me. You’ve been so much help to me."  
  R.Q., California  
  An identity thief used L.R.’s identity to open a fraudulent utility account and a credit card account. The fraudulent information (including demographic, employment and address information) has been corrected and removed from L.R.’s credit file at all three of the national credit repositories.  
  "Thank you for your assistance correcting my identity theft problems. I greatly appreciate the kind and professional help you provided to me.."  
  L.R., California  
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